Nowadays IMT is not only a global player for innovative products, IMT is also a part of society with social and collective responsibility. Therefore IMT promotes and supports social and charitable initiatives, associations and organizations in Mittelhessen and surrounding area for many years. As well as promoting improvements to non-profit organizations, hospitals and assistance organizations for children and young people, we also support some school projects. In the future IMT´s main concern is to encourage and assist peoples who need help.
IMT also wants to get involved in sports and supports several sports clubs in our region.
Sport unites and creates values even beyond the boundaries of a company. Not only for this reason IMT has already supported local sports facilities for many years. Therefore not only professional clubs are supported but regional mass sport as well.
The relevance of sport in a community can be very multivalent. On the one hand cultural differences can be eliminated by common interaction. On the other hand the sporting passion brings people together and establishes an important foundation for a good cohabitation in a society.
IMT as a cooperative companion of many hessian sport clubs is interested in actively creating and promoting sustainable development of these clubs.